Congratulation raffle winners!

Our raffle has now ended and the prizes have been handed out! We had 5 main winners who won 1 million Gil each, but also 13 runner-up prizes of 100,000 Gil each. Finally, the 23 people who didn’t win anything at all received 50,000 Gil each as a consolation prize. This brings the total prize money to 7,450,000 Gil.

27 December 2019Hayley LuxswornSiyenna Myst, Mana Kinomoto, Hatryna Yuki
28 December 2019Perminator CottontailRaanham Bloodmoon, N'kora Khah, Prandine Archibald, Bearn Livinstone, Finnel Tsuga, G'lion Mewrilah
29 December 2019Inki StarkSylvia Flutterstar, Ashelia Raphael
30 December 2019Ashelia RaphaelInki Stark
31 December 2019Hatryna YukiHayley Luxsworn

Thank you all for playing and I’m sure we’ll do another raffle again in the future!

Shinryu Extreme

Another week, another mount farm! As you can see from our past posts we didn’t really do them in order, but this week it was Shinryu!

I do appreciate that it’s now old content, but as we had new people I thought it’d take us longer to get a clear. However, I’m glad to say we cleared it on the second try. Subsequent farming runs weren’t perfect, but we were still consistently clearing it. Sadly no mounts dropped, but I think we all had fun anyway!

Thanks to all those that came, especially those that didn’t even need it and were just helping us out!

Treasure hunters

There’s been quite a few posts on this before, but we’re still continuing to farm treasure maps each week. We now alternate the time (from afternoon to evening) and I was initially concerned it might get confusing, but everyone seems to have adjusted well.


Generally speaking we seem to walk away with 300k-500k each, not including any items that drop. Although they are rare we do still see things like Shell Leather, so that’s a nice bonus when it drops.

Thanks to all who join in each week, and let’s keep getting more free money!

The Copied Factory

As many of you playing the game will likely know, patch 5.1 has now been released. This patch added quite a lot of new content, but it also added a new 24-person raid, “The Copied Factory”.

We alway try and do these as an FC each week, but this time we tried to do it as ONLY an FC run! We didn’t quite manage to get all 24 people to be members of our FC (it was a bit late in the day for a few people), but thanks to our FC members, some friendly ex-FC members and friends of the FC… we not only went in as a full alliance, but we finished it as well!

So he’s quite big…

Most of us were going in blind which was both chaotic, but also a lot of fun. We did wipe once on the 3rd boss, but that was more because on the first try we didn’t have any markers and there was some confusion when the adds spawned.

Things are happening!

Thanks to everyone who came today and made it an amazing evening!

Zurvan farming and the Firebird

Monday is now now being known as “Mount Farm Monday” and today 7 of us tackled Zurvan Extreme. We were prepared to do it 99 times, but thankfully it only took about half of that for everyone to get the Demonic Lannder bird mount!

But even better, that Demonic Lanner was the last “bird” mount that 4 of us needed, so we were able to do the sidequest to get the Firebird!


We haven’t picked what we’re farming next week yet, but it’ll probably be one of the Stormblood “Dog” mounts!