Joint FC event collaboration

As you’re probably aware, the current game content (or rather lack of) means more players are taking longer breaks away from the game. Unfortunately this also means that it’s been harder for us to fill in-game events because of having less people available.

However, we have good news and we are going to be teaming up with the members of TechnoCore, a fellow Free Company based on Sagittarius. This isn’t a random FC, some of our members actually already have alts there and vice versa some of their alts are in our FC. What this means is you already know some of the people and for some events, members of either FC will be able to sign up and join in.

You won’t need to do anything differently, the events will still be posted on our Discord server like before and mirrored to theirs. You just need to react to the event/sign up like usual (they’ll sign up the same way on their Discord server). Regardless of which server someone joins an event on, it will automatically be updated to both servers. Easy 🙂

Any questions, please let me know!

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