As you probably guessed from the title, our Free Company has now been around for seven years! Wow! In usual tradition we celebrated it with lots of games and lots of prizes!
Also as usual we had a new outfit for everyone to wear. With the Dawntrail expansion releasing in under 2 weeks the outfit theme this time was an attempt at a crossover between a vacation outfit and the new Pictomancer job. At least that was the idea!

Specifically the outfit was White Beret (Pumpkin Orange), Extreme Survival Shirt (Undyed), Hose of Happiness (Pumpkin Orange) and Leather Sandals (Pumpkin Orange).
This time for our jump puzzles we went on location and I need to link and give credit to Nae’s FFXIV Jumping Puzzles. They have many different jumping puzzles on many different servers and while I’ve only seen a few of them, they are very impressive and really recommend taking a look! We used two of theirs (Chaos -> Omega -> FC house rooms 5 and 6) and gave our prizes for the first 5 people to finish.

After this we headed to Upper La Noscea to play hide and seek. How this works is that I place some characters around the area and everyone has to find them and you get a bigger prize for finding them faster. In previous years this has dragged on a bit, so this time I made it easier by picking a smaller zone where we can fly, but compensated by increasing the number of characters who were hiding. We had some problems with people finding them a bit too fast, but overall I think it worked well and next time I think we’ll just use a slightly bigger zone.

Then we headed back to the house for a mini quiz. The first person to answer correctly won Gil and the majority of questions were on things related to the Free Company (and also to make sure people are aware of some of the perks of being with us etc!)

Then we went back out into the world to throw ourselves off tall buildings to try and land on a tiny spot far below! Everyone had three chances and got points for how close they were to the marker and then the overall scores were added up to allocate the prizes.

We then moved back to the FC house to do the raffle. There were items prizes, but also some Gil prizes (see the lists below for who won what). Finally, we moved to the Gold Saucer to do a quick run of “Cliffhanger”. It’s not very hard and everyone who went made it, but it was just a fun little thing to end on!
The total prize money we gave out was a 23.55 million Gil (that’s 10.25 million more than last year) and here is a list of who won how much:
Name | Gil won |
Kenda Covell | 2,850,000 |
L'ireiya Tia | 2,750,000 |
Bifi Bifi | 2,500,000 |
Lyallon Estaqur | 2,350,000 |
Zolukai Pestishyde | 1,500,000 |
Key Ceallaigh | 1,300,000 |
Rydia Nishiyama | 1,300,000 |
Terazoic Willowstar | 1,200,000 |
Blithesome Carl | 1,100,000 |
Fist Lovefury | 1,000,000 |
Leonceault Ferdillaix | 750,000 |
Tiny Ice | 750,000 |
Wilderis Sikk | 750,000 |
Sylvia Flutterstar | 600,000 |
Driess Raronek | 550,000 |
Nekomi Hounami | 500,000 |
U'anna Nitsah | 500,000 |
Ashelia Nightfall | 400,000 |
Noda Moonlight | 350,000 |
Thea Belles | 350,000 |
Sarah Sugarcube | 100,000 |
Zack Wolf | 100,000 |
And here is a list of all the prizes that were won in the raffle:
Name | Prize won |
Driess Raronek | Kingdom of Baron (Endwalker) Orchestrion Roll |
Fist Lovefury | Wind-up Golbez |
Fist Lovefury | Wind-up Kangaroo |
Key Ceallaigh | Statice's Wings |
Lyallon Estaqur | Their Deadly Mission Orchestrion Roll |
Nekomi Hounami | Assorted Candles |
Nekomi Hounami | Assorted Candles |
Nekomi Hounami | Minmisle Hat |
Noda Moonlight | Flying Chair |
Rydia Nishiyama | Indoor Pond |
Rydia Nishiyama | Tier 4 Aquarium |
Rydia Nishiyama | Tier 4 Metal Aquarium |
Sarah Sugarcube | Statice's Wings |
Sylvia Flutterstar | Archangel Wings |
Thea Belles | Greener Gleaner |
Tiny Ice | [To be decided] |
Tiny Ice | [To be decided] |
U'anna Nitsah | Black Hayate |
Wilderis Sikk | Flying Chair |
Zack Wolf | Byakko Cub |
Zolukai Pestishyde | Zurvanite Barding |
Finally I was quite chuffed to see that some of our members still had some of our older outfits (and this wasn’t even from the last year!)

Thank you everyone for a part of our FC and let’s look forward to our eighth anniversary!