Six year anniversary!

I know we haven’t updated our website in a while, but we’re still here and today is actually the sixth anniversary of our Free Company! As per usual we got together and played some games and gave out some prizes and a lot of Gil. So much Gil…!

In previous years I’d made people wear an outfit with a cowl, partly because it makes us look like a cult, but partly because it’s just fun for everyone to be wearing matching outfits and running round a public area! However, this year I made a whole new outfit and here we are wearing it:

Don’t we look fancy!

If anyone wondered, it’s Thick-rimmed Glasses (Soot Black), Falconer’s Shirt (Pumpkin Orange), Dinosaur Leather Gloves (Soot Black), Dragonskin Bottoms (undyable) and Expeditioner’s Thighboots (Pumpkin Orange).

We usually start with a small climbing parkour puzzle, but this year we did two. First of all the small one that’s in Rhalgr’s Reach (which I think most people dont’ realise is there) and then we moved onto the Bokairo Inn, Kugane. There were Gil prizes for coming first, second or third.

Jump my minions, jump!!!
Huzzah, we made it!
Relaxing in the bath!

Next we headed off to Gridania to play some hide and seek. I had six characters hidden there and it was as simple as the first three people to find them won Gil. I think I did quite well this year as a lot of them took people a while to find and with one of the characters one of them only one person found them, huzzah!

Go away nasty rain!
We’re not a cult, honest!

It might have been raining, but that didn’t stop us having fun! Amusingly despite changing our outfit to look less like we’re in a cult someone still commented…

Awesome! Next we headed back to the FC house for a mini quiz, where the first correct answer is worth Gil. Most of the questions are themed on the FC (ranks, permissions, things in our house/garden, that sort of thing), partly to see if people are paying attention, but also to make sure people know about FC related things that maybe they didn’t hear about (like we give all our members a free FC room after they’ve been active for 10 different days).

Back at the FC house
Party time!

We also did the raffle at this time where we had 20 prizes where the winners could pick from a bigger pool of prizes (see below) as well as some straight up Gil prizes.

Next we moved back into the world to throw outselves off of tall buildings. Basically playing lawn darts with our characters. I put a marker on the floor and everyone has 3 tries to try and land as close as possible. 2 points for dead centre and 1 point for the edge. After 3 jumps the scores are tallied up and the top 3 winners get more Gil (you can never have too much Gil!).

You want us to land on that tiny red dot? Are you crazy?

Then we moved onto the final event, the mini PVP tournament! We did 5 battles with best of 3 for each and we tried to match up the jobs as best as we could and win or lose people still got some Gil for making the effort!

This took up a large part of the afternoon, but I had a really fun time and I hope everything else did too! This FC is great, but only because of the people in it, many whom have been here for many years now, thank you! Also thanks to Lyallon Estaqur and Ria Skybreaker for letting me use some of their images on this post.

Oh finally, the total prize money we gave out was a rather large 13.3 million Gil (that’s 1.5 million more than last year) and here is a list of who won how much:

NameGil won
Hime Miyumi2,050,000
Zolukai Pestishyde1,800,000
Driess Raronek1,750,000
Ria Skybreaker1,600,000
L'ireiya Tia1,400,000
Prandine Archibald1,150,000
Bifi Bifi750,000
Maralade Ferilla700,000
Rem Anastasov650,000
Lyallon Estaqur550,000
Nekomi Hounami350,000
Sarah Sugarcube300,000
Adrilith Nelhah100,000
Octavia Rosethorn100,000
Pome Kneeknibbler50,000

And here is a list of all the prizes that were won in the raffle:

NamePrize won
Adrilith NelhahBlack Hayate
Bifi BifiDedicated to Moonlight Orchestrion Roll
Driess RaronekWayward Daughter Orchestrion Roll
L'ireiya TiaForged in Crimson Orchestrion Roll
Lyallon EstaqurAnswers Orchestrion Roll
Lyallon EstaqurLandslide Orchestrion Roll
Maralade FerillaGates of Paradise - The Garden of Ru'Hmet Orchestrion Roll
Maralade FerillaRoyal Lunatender
Nekomi HounamiGlade Gazebo
Prandine ArchibaldAdventurer's Hooded Vest
Prandine ArchibaldModern Aesthetics - Scanning for Style
Prandine ArchibaldSeitei
Prandine ArchibaldWind-up Leviathan
Prandine ArchibaldZurvanite Barding
Rem AnastasovEastern Canopy Bed
Ria SkybreakerDrawing of Character by Blithesome Carl
Ria SkybreakerThe Final Day Orchestrion Roll
Sarah SugarcubeSophic Barding
Zolukai PestishydeBacon Bits
Zolukai PestishydeDress-up Alisaie
Zolukai PestishydePrivate Pachypodium
Zolukai PestishydeRoyal Lunatender

And to end this post, here’s a picture that Ria took that I thought looked quite amusing and in a way I feel this sort of sums up our FC…

Thank you all again, you’re all awesome!

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