Small rank update

I know we don’t post often, but we’re still here! We also still have our members only Discord so anyone from the FC who is reading this, come join us! (you need to do this if you want to join in the giveaways!) However, this post is just to let everyone know about a few rank changes that are happening today.

Most of our members probably already know, but Mel Arky, one of our founding members, went into semi retirement a few months ago. They are still in the FC so I’m sure we’ll still see them from time to time, but after nearly 10 years of playing this game, they just wanted to try new things and I certainly can’t fault that! Thank you for being with us since the start and for all the assistance that you’ve provided over the years!

I think many people will agree that the game is in a bit of a content drought right now, but the new expansion is coming. Hopefully some of our inactive members will return for this and we’ll also be pushing for new recruits as well and this felt like a good time to shuffle things round and also gives me a chance to offload some work onto others!

I’ve created a new rank (Amethyst) and Ashelia Nightfall and Bearn Livinstone will be moving to this. It has the same permissions as Sapphire, but also allows them to change the ranks of players. The logic in this is that instead of requiring me to do all rank changes, they’ll be able to do this and it’ll hopefully minimise any delays from people getting the rank they should have! We’ve still got to work out some details (like right now I send the person a message when they have a rank change, but that requires friend list so won’t really be possible), but we’ll work it out!

I’ve also asked L’ireiya Tia, Lyallon Estaqur and Maralade Ferilla to become Sapphire so they can help out with a few extra things such as setting people up with their free FC rooms. They’ve all been with us a very long time and despite the current content drought, they continue to be active. I’d like to think we’re a relatively drama free FC and hopefully most of the time they shouldn’t need to do much more, but I also wanted a few more people who were active so that if something is needed in-game, there’s a higher chance someone might be online to help out with it. Thank you in advance for your assistance!

The end of 2023 is in site and I can confirm that we will be having our usual raffle! (link is for last years, we haven’t started this years yet!) So watch out for that!

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